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    How to repair a damaged SD card?

    Brian Gill is CEO, Gillware Inc. There are some works at Gillware Data Recover in his account. SD cards are cheap, so no one will bother repairing them, if it was not very important data. Brian Gill decided to look into this subject in detail.


    What kind of damage can be:
    1. Logical Damage
    This can happen if you don’t safely remove the card from the camera or computer. Information recovery is possible on its own using utilities in the event of logical damage to memory cards.
    2. Reformat
    The card might show up totally blank because of a feature called TRIM.
    3. Card is All the Way Dead or Got TRIMMED
    The first thing to do is to bypass the dead controller and access the NAND directly.


    Brian Gill popularly explains in his post how to repair a damaged SD card.



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