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    Trolling, Doxing & Cyberstalking

    Candice Lanier is Chief Operations Officer at Ghost Cyber Intelligence, a private intel agency specializing in counterterrorism, Darknet operations, black ops and cybersecurity. She focused her attention on a subject as Trolling, Doxing & cyberstalking. Indeed, in recent cybercrime it is one of the most serious threats facing the United States and is of great importance to national security, economic prosperity and social security.


    There are laws at both the state and federal levels that can be applied to cyberstalking . A cyberstalking conviction can have a significant impact-on your finances, reputation, ability to get a job and your freedom. Even if you are not incarcerated, a conviction can have negative impact on your parental rights and can disqualify you from employment in certain settings, such as hospitals and schools.

    Doxing the process of collecting identifying information about a person or group of people for the purpose of shame, fear, intimidation, defame or threaten the goal. Some people do doxing of general curiosity about a person or a company, the other for the sake of revenge, extortion or embarrassment. Doxing is illegal 18, United States Code, 2261A section is a federal statute persecution.

    Candice Lanier also in this post provides recommendations for people who believe they are victims of cyberstalking.

