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    Here is new trick of phishing

    Cyber attacks – not a new phenomenon. Most phishing attacks, fraudsters have used a common theme, asking the user to update the information on your profile, but redirecting the user to a hosted domain at twins page. Since users are accustomed to this basic phishing trick, tricky attackers and find other creative ways to phishing login credentials.


    One of the creative discovery that was first discovered in June 2016. The users say that they have received an important or a protected file, and they should visit the web – page for viewing. To view the document, users must enter their credentials. Fraudsters do not specify any credentials to log users must fill out and leave. In fact, users can enter any login.

    Based on the 2016 and 2017 incidents, these attacks are fairly easy to spot. If the crooks will spend more time on the details of phishing pages processing, thus these types of attacks can be very effective, and they will be more difficult to detect.

