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    Add the most advanced pincode/passcode/pattern breaking technology to your arsenal!

    Until now, no company in the world has had a break opportunity, but thanks to a new discovery – it is not a problem anymore. In some cases, law enforcement agencies were able to use invasive JTAG dumps to get data off of locked phones. This will no longer be needed as a phones data can easily be accessed.

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    The only system in the world capable of breaking pincodes on burner / throw-away phones and non-USB OTG compliant Android phones. This product allows access to thousands of locked phones in which no other provider on the planet can gain access to.
    Burner Breaker Specs:
    • Various hardware solutions available all weighing less than 20 lbs
    • Burner Breaker has multiple speeds to allow for faster acquisitions
    • Burner Breaker software is fully upgradable
    • SV Strike and Secure View hardware / software is included with Burner Breaker purchase giving user logical and physical acquisition capability
    • Software is preprogrammed for various phone types and can be programmable by user for newer phone models.
    • Dimensions vary depending on hardware
    • Only available to Law Enforcement and Government Agencies
