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    Build an Android Penetration Testing lab

    Raj Chandel is a Skilled and Passionate IT Professional especially in IT-Hacking Industry. He wrote the article , in which he described how to create Android Penetration Testing lab.

    Nowadays mobile user’s area unit increasing day by day, the protection threat is also increasing along with the expansion of its users. These threats can disrupt the operation of the smart phone, and transmit or modify user data.
    Mobile security has become very important in mobile computing. Mobile security involves protecting personal and business information.


    Raj used a virtual machine to create a Santoku Android Penetration Testing Laboratory.
    In his article, he writes the requirement for testing android penetration:

    • Virtual Box
    • Santoku OS which come with preinstalled SDKs
    • GenyMotion for creating Android Virtual Device ( AVD)
    • A vulnerable android app “InsecureBankv2”


    You can find the detailed instructions on how to build an Android Penetration Testing lab here.

    We know that you are a cool guy Raj Chandel. We look forward to your new articles.