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    Digital Image Forensics: Ethical Challenges in Social Movement Studies

    Here is the recording of the talk by Nathalie Casemajor. It’s entitled “Digital Image Forensics: Ethical Challenges in Social Movement Studies” and hosted by The University of Massachusetts Department of Communication Colloquium on February 23rd, 2016.

    Nathalie Casemajor is an assistant professor in communication studies in the department of social sciences at the University of Québec in Outaouais (Canada). She holds a PhD in communication from Université du Québec à Montréal and a doctorate in information and communication sciences from Université Lille 3 (2009). She was postdoctoral fellow at McGill University (department of art history and communications studies) and at the national institute of scientific Research (INRS – Montreal, Urbanization, culture and society research centre) as well as a visiting scholar at the New York University (department of media, culture and communication). Her work focuses on digital culture, archives and collective memory. She is a member of the Wikimedia Canada Board.