EventMonkey – A Windows Event Processing Utility

EventMonkey is a multiprocessing utility that processes Windows event logs and stores into SQLite database with an option to send records to Elastic for indexing.


usage: EventMonkey.py [-h] -n EVIDENCENAME -p EVENTS_PATH -o OUTPUT_PATH
                      [--threads THREADS_TO_USE] [--esconfig ESCONFIG]
                      [--esurl ESURL] [--eshost ESHOST] [--esuser ESUSER]
                      [--espass ESPASS]

EventMonkey (A Windows Event Parsing Utility)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Path to Event Files
                        Path to Event Files
  -o OUTPUT_PATH, --output_path OUTPUT_PATH
                        Output Path
  --threads THREADS_TO_USE
                        Number of threads to use (default is all [8])
  --esconfig ESCONFIG   Elastic YAML Config File
  --esurl ESURL         Elastic RFC-1738 URL
  --eshost ESHOST       Elastic Host IP
  --esuser ESUSER       Elastic Host User
  --espass ESPASS       Elastic Password [if not supplied, will prompt]

Use this link for more info.