A wife contemplates whether or not she should investigate her husband for infidelity A wife contemplates whether or not she should investigate her husband for infidelity

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    How Digital Forensics Reveals Infidelity

    If your current relationship seems like it has changed, or if something just does not seem right, then you might want to take a closer look at why.  Let’s face it, the internet and technology has changed everything for both good and bad, while significantly having an impact on our personal relationships on a day-to-day basis. As we all go about our daily lives, we get busy and sometimes take our relationships with our partners for granite, while they may even be seeking something new to spice up their own life.  If you have a suspicion that something is not right, or they might be unfaithful, then you will want to take a closer look who they are talking to, and that is to start with their online activity.

    It is easy to meet someone new online with all the social media temptations that show up on our app as friends’ suggestions and other new people, that are friends online with people you are connected to.  Sometimes things just happen, and your partner may be hiding that fact that they have met someone new, and talking to them, or have even taken it offline, and meeting them in person.  Lots of relationships, hook-ups and casual relations have initially started online, and there is no reason why this could not happen to the relationship you are in, without you even know it or sensing it.

    If something changes in your partner, and you cannot quite put your finger on it, or you are in certain civil matters with your spouse, then a digital infidelity investigation may be what you need. Some of the things to look for are, if your partner is spending a lot of time on their mobile device. Are they always on their social media accounts, or has their mood changed and they seem distant?  These are the signs you might want to start an infidelity investigation right away.   

    What Is A Digital Infidelity Investigation? 

    Sometimes a person might suspect that their spouse or partner might be cheating, but they are in denial and do not know what to do.  You think it may have started online, but not sure how you could figure out how to get access to their electronic devices, daily activities, and actions when you are not around, or simply at a loss for words on how to even start.   This is where digital forensics comes in and can uncover signs of cheating/infidelity, so you will know what is going on with your spouse. 

    A digital infidelity investigation will review everything from deleted text messages, secret accounts, hidden applications, pictures, videos, or anything that was communicated with the person(s) in question.  It will not take long for a forensic expert who knows how to go about collecting the data and following the digital footprint all the way to the source.  A highly skilled certified social media analyst also knows all the online places to look by identifying hidden accounts, social media messaging, even dating sites like Ashley Madison or other messaging services like WhatsApp or Telegram.  They know all the social networking sites that are available and how to access them to get the information, to assemble a factual case that will provide the answers to what is going on in detail.  We are not talking about the stereotypical private investigators like you see on TV or in the movies, sitting outside buildings and taking pictures; a modern private investigator is a highly trained professional who knows how to operate and dissect the digital world. 

    Common Red Flags in Cheating 

    There are lots of red flags when it comes to detecting your loved one cheating, and it is not always the obvious ones, like a change in their behavior or constantly working late. When it comes to their digital footprint on the internet, the red flags will include the use of encrypted messaging apps, like WhatsApp, Telegram, or Signal.  Others things to look out for are if they are continuously clearing their browsing history, on their devices with no real reason why. 

    Or if they are constantly using the “In Cognito” feature on browsers and are always surfing alone, and then suddenly close the device quickly when you come in the room.  Some cheaters will have a social media account that you do not know about or they belong to a dating app.  In some cases, your spouse could have a secret second mobile phone or device that suddenly shows up, and they have not discussed it with you, as to why they need it.  They may even say they need it for business, but that could be in question too.  When a person is worried about a cheating spouse, this can be an emotional period in their life and the goal is to get their peace of mind back, as it can be an overwhelming experience.  

    As you could imagine, just going out and obtaining evidence might be considered legal depending on where you live and the federal, state, and local or county privacy laws that apply; and what is considered crossing the line in the legal investigation of the other person’s digital world. You are best to get litigation support or a legal representative to advise you on the local laws when it comes to an infidelity investigation, and the process of gathering up evidence from a digital footprint. 

    The Importance of Obtaining Evidence legally 

    You must be careful when it comes to obtaining someone’s digital data and information from a persons’ devices.  Even as a licensed private investigator in multiple states, there are lots of laws they must follow, and it changes as they cross state lines. 

    There are lots of different rules according to their jurisdiction when obtaining evidence and how you use it, even if it is on your cheating partner.  Being in an infidelity investigation can be a tricky business, which why it is best to have a private investigator who follows the rules in the state where they operate.  If you hire a qualified law firm that is working with you on an infidelity investigation, they must inform the client on what the rules are legally before proceeding.   

    The laws change as you go from state to state and anyone is who is considering accessing data should consult with a lawyer from that state. For example, in the state of Texas the penal code 16.04 prohibits the unauthorized interception or use of communications and is violating the law. The person(s) can be penalized as a Class A misdemeanor or a state jail felony.  But when you can prove who sent the text messages and prove you have an authentic copy, a text message is considered admissible evidence. It is best for a person to review what their local state legislation deems correct of consult with their attorney. 

    When to Hire A Digital Forensics Specialist 

    Deciding to take the first step to hiring an expert for an infidelity investigation determines that you truly believe that your spouse is having a real affair, or having an online romantic relationship that could lead to a physical encounter, and you want to do something about it.  When you know the time has come to hire a professional, here are the steps to take and key indicators why you need to start looking to hire a company like Digital Forensics Corp:  

    1. Unnecessary phone privacy: If your partner is suddenly extra protective of their phone privacy and gets upset if you look at it or will quickly close the app when they see you approaching 
    1. Online activity the seems suspicious: If you suspect they are creating new social accounts, or find out they are frequently on dating apps can be a sign, especially if they are always texting to new people, you have never heard of before.  
    1. Deleting communication history:  Anytime a call log is deleted or they are constantly deleting messages, and browsing history can be an indication they are hiding something 

    Working with Digital Forensics 

    Our company is licensed in multiple states as a private investigator and hold multiple certifications with digital evidence, and are experts in digital infidelity investigations.  Our investigators will follow your spouse’s digital footprint right to the online relationship or sexual encounters that you suspect they are having. We make sure the data we collect is legal and can and will be used as evidence in a court of law.  

    If you feel it is time to take your suspicions seriously and call in the experts, Digital Forensics has all the capabilities and litigation support that will prove you are right and effectively prepare your case for court.  Call us today on our helpline at 1-800-849-6515.  Our experts are available 24/7 and your call is strictly confidential. 


    1. https://versustexas.com/blog/can-you-spy-on-your-spouse-in-texas/
    2. https://guides.sll.texas.gov/recording-laws/audio-recording

    DISCLAIMER: THIS POST IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT TO BE CONSIDERED LEGAL ADVICE ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER. DIGITAL FORENSICS CORP. IS NOT A LAWFIRM AND DOES NOT PROVIDE LEGAL ADVICE OR SERVICES. By viewing posts, the reader understands there is no attorney-client relationship, the post should not be used as a substitute for legal advice from a licensed professional attorney, and readers are urged to consult their own legal counsel on any specific legal questions concerning a specific situation.