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    Why can’t I see who sent that deleted IOS SMS message

    There are a lot of posts about failing to be able to ascribe a contact to a remote post on IOS SMS.db rebounds. Previous Paul’s post (“SMS recovered records and contacts – three ways”) shows another way to establish a relationship between two sets of records deleted.

    This post  explains how the database schema can be used, and foreign key constraints and triggers to understand why the removal of one element can have a knock on effect and not as the circuit can be used to explain why these records are no longer available.
    Below, the author covers the triggers and foreign key constraints in a small number of parts, but the full scope goes far beyond the scope of this article. It is important to understand that a trigger is a function of SQLite and the database it is defined on and once defined whether it runs or not is not within the control of the programmer, but is controlled by the settings of the database – i.e. the actions are carried out automatically by the SQLite library.
    This is a fairly broad topic and in a nutshell it does not tell. For those who have an interest or a Forensic Toolkit for SQLite user in this post you will gather a lot of interesting ideas.