WP Logical is a contacts and appointments acquisition tool designed to run under Windows Phone 8.1.
WP Logical will extract the following information (if found) regarding each appointement starting from 01/01/CurrentYear at 00:00:00 to 31/12/CurrentYear at 00:00:00
- Subject
- Location
- Organizer
- Invitees
- Start Time (UTC)
- Original Start Time
- Duration (in hours)
- Sensitivity
- Replay Time
- Is Organized by User?
- Is Canceled?
- More details
- Display Name
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Phones
- Important Dates
- Emails
- Websites
- Job Info
- Adresses
- Notes
- Thumbnail
The acquisition also prints the following info:
- Phone Timezone
- FriendlyName
- OS: WindowsPhone Firmware Version
- Hardware Version
- Product Name
- Store Keeping Unit
[su_button url=”https://github.com/soufianetahiri/Windows-Phonne-Logical-Forensic/” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#222348″ size=”7″ radius=”0″]Download beta[/su_button]