Certified Forensic Computer Examiner
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Certified Forensic Computer Examiner

What is CFCE

The Importance of Certified Forensic Computer Examiner certification for Digital Forensics.

CFCE certfication


The Certified Forensic Computer Examiner (CFCE) credential was the first certification demonstrating competency in computer forensics. The CFCE training and certification is conducted by the International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS)


In order to become a member of IACIS and undertake the CFCE, a person must generally be a full-time member - sworn or unsworn - of a law enforcement agency. In some cases, a contract employee of a law enforcement agency or retired law enforcement officer may be eligible.


CFCE is one of the most widely recognized non-tool certifications in computer forensics for current and former law enforcement personnel.

We are CFCE Certified Experts

View our Certified Forensic Computer Examiner (CFCE) certificate

CFCE certficate
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