Digital Forensics Corporation
800-849-6515 24/7/365 Support Service Open

Digital Forensics Corp has the experience and expertise to draft precise, thorough and compelling Forensic Reports. Reports that will help your firm achieve your case objectives, whether the goal is settling or prevailing in court.

Digital Forensics Corp provides our preferred attorneys and investigators a level of customization that is unique in the industry. Our Forensic reports are organized to reflect the objective facts of the case in a manner that supports our client’s case narrative. Our professional writing staff recognizes that in both criminal and civil cases, counsel must present a clear and persuasive story to judges, juries and opposing counsel. Our crisp Forensic Reports can be a decisive tool.

Each Forensic Report contains the purpose of the investigation, the methods, programs and tools used to extract or cull data, a complete inventory of relevant data, and thorough analysis and expert conclusions about that data. When appropriate, the complete contents of the recovered data can be included with the report. Our skilled examiners use MD5 and SHA-1 hash values to document the forensic integrity of each investigation and these values are recorded in the final report.

DFC can also provide an expert witness to testify about how your evidence was obtained, processed and documented, as well as about the veracity or origin of particular artifacts.

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