Electronic Risk Control & Risk Control Management - Digital Forensics - Digital Forensics Corporation
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What is your company’s electronic risk?

Your employees’ emails, online chats and more may leave you liable

Watch video to understand important first steps to contain a data breach

Complicated cases require compelling digital facts

As a business owner, you may not realize you are liable for e-mails sent from anywhere within the company. There are other risks: unchecked employees may share proprietary files via the internet, or raise complaints about workplace privacy issues because policies are unclear or non-existent. Digital Forensics Corp. understands electronic risk management and can help you understand it, too.

Our computer forensics experts can protect your company from past and future electronic risks. Our risk management specialists will develop prevention plans that hold employees responsible for files they transmit digitally. Digital Forensics Corp. also will help you develop policies and procedures to reduce your risks from all digital transmissions, including e-mail, internet and newsgroup use. We’ll tell you how you can prevent intellectual property loss, and how to preserve electronic evidence to avoid costly lawsuits.

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How we protect client businesses

Our computer forensics experts helped create e-mail policies for a company that had gone years without them. Because there were no policies in place, employees did not know their employers could read and monitor work e-mails, causing dissension and lawsuit threats. Digital Forensics Corp. developed policies to safeguard the company and prevent employees from misusing e-mail and the internet.


Our experts can examine your policies and procedures to determine whether you are protected – or not.


We will work with you to create solid policies and procedures and to make sure employees understand them.


A Digital Forensics Corp can show whether your intellectual property or proprietary information has been shared in emails, social media and more.


Our expert consulting services guide you through risks, responsibilities and procedures to protect your company.

Call us to find out if your company is at risk

We offer immediate, 24/7 assistance from our team of digital forensics investigators, fraud examiners, lawyers and computer security experts.

We provide expert risk management across the continent

Our team of digital forensics investigators, fraud examiners, lawyers and computer security experts has proven success in helping businesses, even Fortune 500 companies, manage their electronic risk. With more than 200 sites across the United States and Canada, we are close enough to help anytime.

Case Studies

Digital Forensics Corporation’s team of computer forensics experts were commissioned to create e-mail policies for one company that had existed without them for several years. Because the policies had not been in place, employees were not informed that their e-mails were available to their employers to read and monitor, causing dissension and threats of lawsuits. Digital Forensics Corporation developed the policies that were able to safeguard the company and prevent employees from misusing the e-mail and the Internet in the future.


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