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You Can Rely On

We sort massive amounts of data into clear, precise, relevant evidence

Recover Vital Evidence

Authentic, reliably obtained, and admissible information.

Finding, extracting, analyzing and documenting Electronically Stored Information (ESI) for use in litigation, criminal and civil investigations and for regulatory compliance.

  • Data Collection & Forensics
  • Data Processing & Analytics
  • Discovery Data Management
  • Computers Data Discovery
  • Mobile Discovery
  • Cloud Data Discovery

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E-discovery is essential for litigators

E-discovery is one of the most important parts of litigation, due to the amount of Electronically Stored Information (ESI) involved in most cases. Our certified examiners use the latest computer forensics tools to handle the technical and strategic challenges presented by electronic discovery needs. Don’t let crucial evidence slip through your fingers; consult with us to uncover every location where potential evidence could be stored..

Contact us for analysis and quote

We offer immediate, 24/7 assistance from our team of digital investigators.

We offer:

  • Expert consulting on best practices
  • Cost-efficient handling of digital evidence
  • Quality acquisition of data and processing
  • Fast turnaround times
  • Detailed, professional forensic reports admissible in court

Work with our experienced team to make your case


Determine where relevant digital evidence might be.


Sort through mountains of potential evidence to determine what parts really matter.


Clues extracted from cell phones and devices can help put together a powerful case.


Use our detailed, legally admissible report in court or at deposition.

What sets us apart

Digital Forensics Corp has proven success working with Fortune 500 companies across industries to handle data breach incidents.

Experience across the USA and Canada

With locations across North America, our digital forensics experts are near and ready to help. We are able to work on your case remotely, in-lab and onsite. Contact us or submit a case today to learn more about how we can help you.

Leading Experts

The DFC team is comprised of forensic investigators, certified fraud examiners, former law enforcement officials, certified digital forensic examiners, data analysts and system and network domain experts.

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