Computer Forensic Expert Witness & Expert Witness Testimony
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Evidence is no good if it doesn’t hold up in court

We provide expert witness testimony to support your case

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Let our expert witness testimony back you up in court

A good digital forensics investigation provides evidence that will stand up in court. This often hinges on the quality of the expert witness. Digital Forensics Corp. specialists are trained to be expert witnesses.

  • MAKE A CLEAR CASE: Not everyone understands technical jargon, so our experts are trained to explain their findings in a clear, understandable way. Our expert witness will present the simplest explanation of the evidence that is suitable for your case.
  • SPOT ERRORS IN THE OPPOSING CASE: An expert computer forensics examiner can help you find errors in the digital evidence of your opponent. This could even lead to opposing digital evidence being thrown out.
  • FOCUS ON THE EVIDENCE: A good expert witness will ensure the judge and jury are focused on the evidence, even if opposing counsel tries to ask questions outside the expert's area of expertise in an attempt to cast doubt. Our expert witnesses stay on track by outlining their specific areas of expertise and explaining when a given question is outside it.
  • DRAW THE RIGHT CONCLUSIONS: Using an expert witness when presenting technical evidence in court puts you in a much stronger position when it comes to determining what that evidence shows.

We are available in jurisdictions across the United States and Canada

Our expert witness testimony has proven vital in a wide variety of court cases, from capital murder trials to civil disputes. We’ve helped businesses, organizations, attorneys and individuals win their day in court. We sites across the United States and Canada and are always available.

Contact us to find reliable expert testimony

Call Digital Forensics Corp. at 1-800-849-6515, send us an email or chat online with a team member. Our dedicated representatives are available 24/7/365.

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