Making complex data simple and compelling
From digital device to digital evidence
Unlock your vehicle's digital evidence potential
Forensic Analysis and Enhancement
Investigating and analyzing financial records
Gain access to the online accounts of deceased loved ones
Clear, precise evidence for a messy world
Expert reports to suit your specific needs
We can locate people anywhere
Stop worrying and learn the truth
Prevent, Detect, Respond To Cyberattacks
First response is crucial. Every minute counts.
The first response is critical to reduce liability
Detection & Removing Spyware Services
Reduce your electronic risk from digital transmittals
Find out who you are really talking to
Experienced, Confidential Services
Swift, professional incident response
Complicated cases require compelling digital facts
Find, recover and document digital evidence
Bring solid evidence before a judge
Cases can be investigated using Social Media
Social networks are actively burst into our lives and Facebook is no exception. Many people are so imbued with the social networks that fasting all my life and sometimes spread most confidential information. As a result, such people can become victims of identity theft, phishing attacks and other malicious activity. What needs to be done to avoid this?
It is necessary to start with access to Facebook account settings. For clarity, we consider each section separately and discuss it before moving on to the next, as they appear in the Settings menu.
In conclusion I would like to say that if the web site is very popular, scammers will try to get the data, and so. Facebook is no exception, but his team is working on security. Here are some tips to improve the security Facebook:
With more tips can be found here.
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