Making complex data simple and compelling
From digital device to digital evidence
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Forensic Analysis and Enhancement
Investigating and analyzing financial records
Gain access to the online accounts of deceased loved ones
Clear, precise evidence for a messy world
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We can locate people anywhere
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Prevent, Detect, Respond To Cyberattacks
First response is crucial. Every minute counts.
The first response is critical to reduce liability
Detection & Removing Spyware Services
Reduce your electronic risk from digital transmittals
Find out who you are really talking to
Experienced, Confidential Services
Swift, professional incident response
Complicated cases require compelling digital facts
Find, recover and document digital evidence
Bring solid evidence before a judge
Cases can be investigated using Social Media
Researchers have developed many ways to extract data from computer systems by developing hidden channels. A computer with an air filter is considered to be a high-cost target, so considerable research has entailed getting data from them-without a network connection.
Robin Harris is Principal Analyst at TechnoQWAN LLC,. He wrote a post in which he tells about four groups to which the hidden channels are divided:
1. Electromagnetic channels vary from eavesdropping of electromagnetic radiation from the memory bus, to leakage from USB ports and cables. 2. Acoustic channels became popular with the advent of hacked smartphones. 3. Thermal channels will ever find a practical [...]
DumpsterFire Toolset is a modular, menu-driven, cross-platform tool for creating repetitive, time-lagged, distributed security events. The toolkit is designed for dynamic expansion, which allows you to create your own fires (event modules) to add to the included collection of Fires tools.
Daniel Pistelli shared a short post about Windows memory forensics on OSX. He described a piece of software called Profiler.
Kirtar Oz is involved in the analysis of PowerShell attacks among customers. He came up with several indicators that will help detect potential PowerShell attacks in the environment. These indicators are based on analysis and research.
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